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Accreditation to Teach

Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School

Although a teacher in a Catholic school does not need to be Catholic, they do need to be supportive of the Catholic culture and the religious life of the school and be open and willing to learn how to teach religion as a subject. 

Every registered teacher in a Catholic school in Queensland requires Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic school, regardless of whether they teach Religious Education. 

Accreditation requires at least five hours of relevant professional learning each year. Teachers beginning in a Catholic school can receive interim accreditation for a maximum of five years until they meet accreditation requirements. 

This accreditation assists teachers to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of a Catholic school and its contribution to the mission of the Church. Accreditation fosters a knowledge and understanding of the Gospel and the Catholic tradition to enable teachers to support, through their teaching and example, the efforts of the school to harmonise faith, culture and life. 

It affirms the positive efforts of teachers already teaching in Catholic schools and is a means through which Catholic Education Cairns officially recognises teacher qualification and competency in respect to the particular character and educational philosophy of Catholic schools.  

Accreditation helps promote confidence in the quality of the Catholic school on the part of the Catholic community and the parents who send their children to them. 

Accreditation to Teach Religion in a Catholic School 

Every registered teacher of Religion in a Catholic school in Queensland requires Accreditation to Teach Religion in a Catholic school. Teachers of Religion in Catholic schools (primary teachers and secondary Religious Education teachers) require additional professional competence in scripture, theology and religious education theory and practice.

Registered teachers will be granted Accreditation to Teach Religion on evidence of: 

  • their professional support of the Christian Catholic tradition  
  • the equivalent of four semester units of tertiary studies in the areas of theology, spirituality, Catholic education, or Religious Education 
  • ability to apply theology and spirituality to the teaching of Religion.  

Interim Accreditation 

Teacher Accreditation is a status evaluated at the point of employment and is not a prerequisite of employment. At the discretion of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Services, teachers who do not have appropriate qualifications to meet accreditation requirements at the time of employment may be given Interim Accreditation.