Person, Female, Girl, Finger

Supporting Our Graduates

We value the fresh and contemporary ideas that graduates bring, and purposefully strive to attract and support them in our schools.

We provide a two-year induction program to set each graduate teacher up for a successful and rewarding career. 

Catholic schools foster a sense of community and camaraderie; however, you don’t have to be Catholic to join us! We simply ask that our primary teachers are open to learning how to teach religion. 

If you’d like to know more about our pre-service teacher scholarships or graduate support, visit Final Year Education Student Scholarships or contact our Director Workforce Capability by emailing View our Early Career Teacher Support brochure.

Our Early Career Teacher Award is presented annually during Catholic Education Week as part of the Docemus Awards and reflects our focus on recruiting and supporting graduate teachers. 

Hear from some of our Graduate Teachers.